Empower girls through sports to enter high school stronger physically, mentally and emotionally.


Strive for Girls is created as a non-profit, 501(c)(3) organization with the purpose of providing a free space and training for just girls to learn and develop sports skills.  Our goal is to foster an environment that empowers our young girls to enter high school more confident and stronger physically, mentally and emotionally.  We provide programming for girls in elementary and middle school grades. Our fee-based programs along with charitable donations allow STRIVE to provide FREE programming to economically disadvantaged children.

Our current focus is on FLAG FOOTBALL, BASKETBALL, SOFTBALL, and FITNESS and we are very excited to be partnering with local public parks to provide our programs!

“Participation in sports is an important social and economic empowerment tool…”

In participating in team and individual sports, “Women and girls…develop a sense of identity and access to new opportunities to become more engaged in school and community life.”

“Participation in sports convene people across borders, cultures and belief systems, and can promote greater tolerance and understanding among individuals and communities.” 

“Studies show a direct correlation between girls’ participation in sports and higher education and employment.”

U.S. Department of State, Empowering Women and Girls through Sports Initiative




